Repair your own clothes with a patch and make your garment into something special again!
Come on down to Sandbox with your holey pants, ripped shirts and stained items. In our workshop you will learn to create and sew on patches. We'll teach some basic hand stiches, machine stitching and how to reattach buttons. Tools and materials will be provided, no sewing experince necessary. Bring one or two items to repair during this workshop.
About the instructor : In-house Jo will garantee that you will have a great time , patching and laughing. Jo is an amazing seamstrees , she rides her bike everyday, she loves a hot dog...she also has a dog. She climbs indoor and also climbs outdoor. Jo is looking forward to meeting you all.
Date and Time: September 27th 5:30 to 7:00
BRING: 1 or 2 garments to repair no sweater knits , yoga pants and no wedding dress.
Cancellation Policy: Any cancellations made within the 72 hour window after registering will be issued a full refund, no charge. If we have a minimum of 5 people signed up before the workshop, we will contact all participants ahead of time to let them know if the workshop will be cancelled or not.
Due to time constrains adults only for this workshop. We will have more workshops in the future that will be more kid-friendly*